Community Health Services Board Members

Sara Carpenter

Chair > Sara Carpenter

Sara is a pediatrician and advocate for high-risk children and families.



Carol Lewis

Vice Chair > Carol Lewis

Carol was born at Denver General and eventually began working as a Clinical Social Worker at Denver Health. She retired after 33 years and has served on the CHS Board for 17 years. She strongly believes in the value of service to our Community and that health care is a right and not a privilege.


Laine DeFreece

Secretary/Treasurer > Laine DeFreece

I strongly support the health care services that Denver Health provides to the Denver community, I am one of the fortunate recipients of this care and through my work with the DCHS Board members, I hope to serve in ways that ensure the CHC vibrant continuation.


John Anduri

John Anduri

John joined the board in 2017. As a long-term DH patient, he is excited to contribute patient perspectives, especially as a cancer survivor involved in the Cancer Resource Center.



Patricia Archer

Patricia Archer

I joined the Board of Directors because I have had a long career in Community Health delivery systems, and recognize the worth of a vibrant Community Health system to the community in general.



Pia Dean

Pia Dean

Pia joined the board in 2024 as the DHHA Board Liaison. Pia’s background is in Health Care Law.



Connie Givens

Connie Givens, MBA

Connie is excited to join the DCHS Board. She has a long history of serving her community and other organizations focusing on health and wellness. She is passionate about supporting breast cancer patients, survivors, and their families. Her hope is to continue to build and foster connections within the community-at-large and to successfully help those facing disparities of any type to receive the care they may need to get well and stay healthy.

April Kalish

April Kalish

As a Denver Health patient, April was eager to join the CHS board to be a strong voice for the patient and hopes to improve the CHS system.



Veronica Montoya

Veronica Montoya

Veronica is a Real Estate Consultant active in the Denver Metro Residential and Commercial Marketplace since 1995. As someone who has received a significant amount of healthcare from Denver Health over the past 10 years, I lept at the opportunity to join the DCHS Board of Directors in an effort to give back to the institution that has provided me with such great care during my oftentimes difficult health journey. I hope to learn as much as possible during my Freshman year on the board and eventually contribute in ways that benefit this amazing organization and its over 190,000 patients.

Sarah Pardikes

Sarah Pardikes

I joined the Board of Directors to be a positive influence in my community.



Hue Phung

Hue Phung

Hue has worked in Denver for nearly a decade serving the community in the area. She joined the DCHS board to advocate and improve access to quality and affordable healthcare. She hopes to serve communities who may face barriers to healthcare such as immigrants, refugees and those who are uninsured.


Jose Reyes

Jose Reyes

Jose has served on the CHS board for 14 years, and as a Denver resident, is committed to contributing to the safety net that serves the most at-risk populations.



Eddie Sierra

Eddie Sierra

Eddie has been a Denver resident for the past 21 year. He is a patient at La Casa Quigg in North Denver. A retired federal employee with over 30 years’ experience in the environmental field, he spends his time serving on several boards and non-profits. In his spare time, he enjoys the sports of tennis and pickleball.


Darin Stewart

Darin Stewart

Darin Stewart, PhD is a professor and chair of the Higher Education Department at the University of Denver. His academic focus is on issues of equity and justice in U.S. postsecondary education with a focus on institutional actions and experiences of students minoritized by racial, sexuality, and transgender identity.