Before and After Bariatric Surgery Series

June 03, 2024

Denver Health bariatric surgery roux en y stomach 325x325

This page is dedicated to patient success stories at the Denver Health Bariatric Surgery Center. Patients are invited to write a short article about their weight loss journeys and share before and after photos. The photos are first shared with other bariatric surgery patients in a special monthly newsletter as a way of showing inspiration and support. Some of the stories are then published right here on the Denver Health website for everyone to share. We hope these stories will inspire you on your health journey as well.

Marisol Escobedo

Hello, my name is Marisol Escobedo, I am 41 years old. It has been one year and three months since I got roux en y gastric bypass surgery. I chose to have the surgery because I weighed 340 pounds. I now weigh 200 pounds, thanks to God. My goal is to lose another 40 pounds. I now feel great and have a lot of energy. I am very grateful to the entire bariatric team at Denver Health, especially Tara Gray, my nutritionist. Without her help, I would not have gotten to where I am. Tara helped me lose 30 pounds in the six months before I had the surgery, starting me on the road to healthier habits. My family has also supported me. For all the people who are thinking about having surgery, whether it be the bypass or the sleeve gastrectomy: my advice is don't think about it, just do it – it's something that helps us improve our lives and live many more years. Thank you very much Denver Health for this program that has helped many people, including myself.

Marisol Escobedo before surgery Marisol Escobedo after surgery