Scheduling First Clinic Appointment

joyful recovery

Scheduling Your Baby's First Clinic Appointment

Congratulations on the new addition to your family! 

That first appointment in clinic is important to check on your baby’s weight and development and get any of your questions answered.

There aren’t any vaccines scheduled for this checkup (EXCEPT during the fall/winter months where your baby could receive an RSV vaccine if not received during pregnancy), so the main focus will be checking on how baby (and family!) is doing in their first few days of life.

Most babies at this stage haven’t received their official insurance yet. We understand and are happy to help answer any questions you might have.

What you can expect at your two-week appointment:

  • Baby’s weight.
  • Discussion on feeding concerns including breast feeding support.
  • Your care team will assess the needs for labs or vaccines. 
  • We will schedule your two-week appointment and your two-month well child check.

Make an Appointment

For babies 2-7 days, NOT discharged from the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit)

   Schedule Online    

For babies older than 7 days, or discharged from the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit)

   Schedule Online    


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