Resources and Information Sheets

Below is a collection of information sheets and articles on topics to help parents, teachers, and healthcare providers better understand the impacts of certain environmental health issues on children. 

Topics Impacting Children's Health/Information Sheets

vaping      wildfire      lead      asthma boy
  • Adverse Birth Outcomes
  • Air Pollutants
  • Air Pollutants - Hazardous
  • Arsenic
  • Arsenic and Well Water - Colorado
  • Asthma: What Is It?
  • Asthma: Is Yours Under Control?
  • Carbon Monoxide
  • Chemicals in Food
  • Childhood Cancer
  • Contaminated Lands
  • Cotinine
  • Dangers of Disc batteries and magnets in toys
  • Drinking Water Contaminants
  • Electronic Cigarettes/JUUL
  • Ethylene Oxide
  • Ethylene Oxide in Colorado
  • Gumball Trinkets Dangerous Charms
  • Lead
  • Lead Biomonitoring
  • Lead Exposure
  • Marijuana and Adolescents in the News
  • Marijuana and Pregnancy Safety 
  • Medication Safety Guide
  • Mercury
  • Mercury Biomonitoring
  • Mold
  • Neurodevelopmental Disorders
  • Obesity
  • Perfluorochemicals (PFCs)
  • Pesticides
  • Poison Prevention Education Training (free!)
  • Pressure Treated Wood
  • Respiratory Diseases
  • Safer Plastics - Health Care Provider
  • Smoking - The Real Cost
  • Sun Exposure
  • Vaping Facts 
  • Vaping and Children's Health
  • Vaping and Mystery Lung Illness
  • Well Water in Colorado
  • Wildfire Smoke Guide
  • Wildfire - Protecting Children From Smoke and Ash

    Local Poison Centers

    PEHSU     Poison Center Logo
  • The National PEHSU Website
  • Colorado Poison Center
  • Montana Poison Center
  • North Dakota Poison Center
  • South Dakota Poison Center
  • Utah Poison Control Center
  • Wyoming Poison Center
  • Professional Organizations

    Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

  • ATSDR 
    The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) is a federal public health agency under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ATSDR's mission to serve the public by using the best science, taking responsive public health actions, and providing trusted health information to prevent harmful exposures and disease-related exposures to toxic substances.

  • ATSDR en Espanol:

  • ToxFAQs 
    Answers to“Frequently Asked Questions

  • Tox Profiles 
    The hazardous substances profiled here are ranked based on frequency of occurrence at National Priorities List (NPL) sites, toxicity, and potential for human exposure.

  • Interaction Profiles for Hazardous Substances 
    Describes the health effects when certain substances are combined.

  • Medical Management Guidelines 
    These guidelines aid emergency department physicians and other emergency healthcare professionals who manage acute exposures resulting from chemical incidents. 

  • Public Health Statements 
    Information in a question and answer format which address the most frequently asked questions about exposure to hazardous substances found around hazardous waste sites and the effects of exposure on human health.

  • Taking an Exposure History 
    Information in case study format intended to increase primary care provider's knowledge of hazardous substances exposures and to promote adoption of practices in evaluation and care of potentially exposed patients.

  • An Overview of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances and Interim Guidance for Clinicians Responding to Patient Exposure 
    These interim guidelines aid physicians and other clinicians to consult patients on chemicals, health effects, and suggested answers regarding perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances.
  • National Academy of Sciences, Library of Medicine

    National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)

  • NIH/NIEHS: Environmentally-Related Diseases from A to Z
  •   Information providing an overview of environmental illnesses.

  • Environmental Health Perspectives: Children’s Health Web Page
  • Environmental Health Perspectives has launched a website featuring timely children’s health research and news as they are published in EHP as well as links to related material. Visitors can search a full library of children's health content.

    Helpful Links

  • Air Quality Index for Teachers
  • ATSDR Information for children and parents
  • Consumer Product Safety Commission
  • EPA Office of Children's Health Protection
  • Information about major environmental laws
  • Information about region 8
  • Nicotine Anonymous
  • The Children's Health Environmental Coalition
  • Quit Logix (Tobacco Cessation Program)
  • Other National Organizations

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