Options are available for EMT and Paramedic School
There are a number of options available for financial assistance. We encourage you to explore these options and apply for anything that fits your needs.
CREATE Grant - CREATE is a reimbursement grant program that assists urban and rural EMS and trauma entities with training and education to improve the emergency and trauma services system in Colorado. Applicants must be entities whose purpose is the provision of emergency medical services within Colorado. Applicants must also demonstrate individual participants provide emergency medical or trauma services as an essential part of their job duties to qualify. Applicants should plan to apply 2-3 months prior to the course start date. (Individuals may not apply for CREATE.)
Colorado Workforce Development - The Colorado Workforce Development Council (CWDC) Office supports the CWDC in their work to enhance and sustain a skills-based talent development network that meets the needs of employers, workers, job seekers, and learners. Locate your Workforce Center and apply for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds. Applying for funding earlier in the year is better as available funds decrease as the year progresses.
Bound Tree Medical Legacy Scholarship - Children of Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), Paramedics, or firefighters can apply for financial support to ease the financial burden associated with the EMT or Paramedic education process. Bound Tree began the Legacy Scholarship in 2004 as a way to give back to EMS providers and their families. Since the program's inception, Bound Tree has awarded scholarships to more than 500 future EMTs and Paramedics pursuing educational programs nationwide.