Howling For Front Line Workers During Coronavirus Still Going Strong

June 30, 2020

young neighbor howling for COVID-19 workers Denver Health


The sounds of howling echo throughout the Baker neighborhood surrounding Denver Health.

Bebe Smith is a fourth grader who said she is out every night, howling her lungs out.

"We do it every night here at eight o'clock," said the young lady when describing what has become a nightly ritual ever since the beginning of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Denver.

"Ow, ow, owooooooooo!"

The howls continue as Smith's neighbor, Davida Gonzales, comes out of her home and joins in the chorus – a way to say thanks to all of the front line workers, including those in health care who have been working so hard for months now.

Watch: Denver Health neighbors howl in support of the front line workers and explain why they continue to do it night after night.

"We've been doing it every night for the last month and a half," said Gonzales.

Smith has found a unique way to make her howls heard for blocks around.

"I know this might sound weird, but I actually get a paper towel roll and I'll howl into it to make it sound really real, like a wolf."

"It kind of echoes from the surrounding buildings," noted Gonzales.

Why They Continue to Howl

So why do they continue to do it – night after night at 8 p.m.?

"I like to do this because it shows support for not only the people who have the coronavirus, aka COVID-19, but also for the health care workers, because when they help, they're putting themselves at risk," said Smith with an understanding far beyond her years. "It shows that they care for people and they're not selfish."

"Their dedication is what is appreciated," pointed out Gonzales. "I thank everybody!"

Gonzales and her husband put up a heart surrounded by a string of lights on her front door with those two simple words 'Thank You.'

We hear you and we love your support.

Keep on howling!