Have You Signed Up for Health Insurance?
November 20, 2019

There are two Open Enrollment periods happening right now.
The first is Medicare. The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period started on October 15 and ends on December 7 of this year. Medicare is for people who are age 65 and older or those who have certain disabilities.Colorado Open Exchange
The second open enrollment period is for those people who do not get insurance through their employers or government programs. This is known as the Colorado Exchange. The Colorado Exchange Open Enrollment period started on November 1 and ends on January 15, 2020.How to Enroll
Denver Health is here to help you enroll in a health insurance plan or change your plan. We have enrollment specialists on hand at any one of our nine family health centers to help get you signed up. You will also find more information on our Open Enrollment page.Watch this short video to see all the key dates and information you need to know to enroll into Medicare or the Colorado Exchange.