New Outpatient Medical Center By The Numbers
November 27, 2018

You can't see much right now, but construction on Denver Health's new Outpatient Medical Center (OMC) is right on schedule. The 293,000 square-foot, state-of-the-art facility is scheduled to open in 2020, centralizing numerous services under one roof in an easy-to-access location at Denver Health's downtown Denver campus.
Over the past couple months, family-owned, local company Plaza Construction poured the foundation for the new building on the site of Denver Health's old administration building at 660 Bannock St. The old building was demolished in the summer of 2018.
Crews will be digging around the new site through October 2019, when you will start to see steel pillars go up.
The Outpatient Medical Center is expected to start seeing patients in 2020.
Here's a look at what will be inside the new OMC, by the numbers:
- Eight stories, seven above ground
- Eight operating rooms
- 220 exam rooms
- 37 procedure rooms
- 24-bay chemotherapy infusion clinic
- 23-room dental clinic
- Full service radiology, lab and pharmacy
- Nine conference rooms
- Six classrooms
- 4,800-square-foot Cafe
Denver Health is also building a new 398,000 square-foot parking garage at 6th Avenue and Acoma Street. The new garage will have eight stories and provide 1,245 parking spaces for Denver Health patients and employees. Once the Outpatient Medical Center opens, the current Acoma Parking garage at 7th Avenue and Acoma Street will become parking for patients and visitors only.