Denver Health Blood Bank Needs Your Donation
June 28, 2018

It's just a few days before Independence Day and that means it's the height of the summer vacation season. Summer vacations also mean blood donations are down across the country, including at Denver Health.
A series of trauma admissions in early June left the Denver Health blood bank with only 10 percent of the normal blood supply for type O-negative blood. The blood supply has since been restocked, but running the No.1 trauma center in Colorado means one major trauma event and that supply could dwindle fast. Having enough inventory is critical to keeping Denver Health's emergency and operating rooms running.
Donors with type O-negative blood are in the most demand for donating because they are known as "the universal donor," with blood that can be given to people of all different blood types. According to the American Association of Blood Banks, "demand for type O units of blood, specifically O negative, is moderate and increasing. This trend is expected to continue as summer vacation season progresses."
The best way to donate is to go to Bonfils Blood Center website for more information. Denver Health also hosts blood donation drives throughout the year. Watch this short video and find out what you need to know before you roll up your sleeve and give.