Gender Confirmation Surgery Offered at Denver Health
May 22, 2018

World-renowned surgeon Dr. Marci Bowers trained Denver Health surgeon
Denver Health is the only hospital in Colorado, and one of the few in the United States, to offer vaginoplasty, a gender confirmation surgery.
The public health system hosted world renowned gender transition surgeon, Dr. Marci Bowers, who has trained a Denver Health surgeon, Dr. Chris Carey, to perform the procedure. The two doctors together performed a number of vaginoplasty surgeries at Denver Health last week.
Denver Health created a new LGBT Center of Excellence in January 2017. The center is committed to providing excellent care for the LGBTQ community and has so far given open and affirming care to over 550 new LGBTQ patients.
The center provides ongoing LGBTQ cultural humility trainings for all 7,000+ Denver Health employees, writes hospital-wide policy to protect LGBTQ patients and employees, organizes outreach events and collaborates with community advisory boards.
Denver Health already provides services to the transgender community with two plastic surgeons doing “top” surgeries, one urologist doing orchiectomies, two doing hysterectomies, and one cranial facial plastic surgeon who will start facial feminization surgery this summer.
Denver Health is excited to now offer vagnioplasty surgery as well.