Resting and Ambulatory Heart Rate Variability in Chronic Anorexia Nervosa
October 07, 2004

Heart rate variability was measured at rest and during ambulation in 6 women with anorexia nervosa. Compared with 10 nonanorexic women controls, resting and ambulatory measures of heart rate variability tended to be lower in patients, despite no differences in resting heart rate.
Read the full article in the American Journal of Cardiology.
- Melanson EL, Donahoo WT, Krantz MJ, Poirier P, Mehler Philip S. 'Resting and Ambulatory Heart Rate Variability in Chronic Anorexia Nervosa.' American Journal of Cardiology 94:1217-1220; 2004. DOI: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2004.07.103