Blog & Commentary

Prioritize self-care in August for National Wellness Month

August 17, 2023
By: Alonso Daboub We lead busy lives full of important tasks in and out of the workplace, keeping us occupied for what can feel like every second...

July Is National Heatstroke Prevention Month

July 06, 2023
According to, 949 children have died due to vehicular heatstroke since 1998. Yet, all these deaths could have been prevented. The...

Firework Safety Tips For a Safe Fourth of July

June 26, 2023
Fireworks are a Fourth of July tradition for many families, but it’s important to remember that fireworks are not legal in the City of Denver...

Roux en Y Gastric Bypass vs Sleeve Gastrectomy

June 01, 2023
At the Denver Health Bariatric Surgery Center, we offer two options for bariatric surgery, the sleeve gastrectomy and the Roux en Y gastric bypass....

May is National Water Safety Month, here’s our checklist for a safe and fun summer

May 24, 2023
May is National Water Safety Month and the Denver Health Trauma and Injury Prevention Program is promoting fun and safety in, on, and around the...

Look Around, Look Within: Your surroundings affect your mental health

May 23, 2023
Take a moment to consider your surroundings. Do you feel safe? Do you have access to health care and grocery stores? Do you have support at home,...

Tips for injury prevention during National Trauma Awareness Month of May

May 17, 2023
Unintentional injury remains the leading cause of death for children and adults up to age 45. According to the Centers for Disease Control and...

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

May 16, 2023
Safety tips for Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month of May Riding a motorcycle can be a thrilling experience, but it's important to remember that...

May is National Stop the Bleed Month

May 11, 2023
Stop the Bleed campaign highlights importance of early intervention May is National Stop the Bleed Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness...

Denver Health staff and community partners tour Mobile Health Centers

March 29, 2023
Denver Health showcased its three Mobile Health Centers last week at an open house attended by staff, board members and dozens of community...
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