Blog & Commentary

Real Stories of the Frontline Workers of Denver Health

November 12, 2020
Why These Heroes Still Love Their Jobs Through the COVID-19 Pandemic Ask any of our amazing frontline workers at Denver Health – from the...

Coronavirus Vaccine Update from Denver Health's Chief Medical Officer

November 09, 2020
Update: Based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration, Denver Health will resume...

Coronavirus vs. Flu and Why You Should Get a Flu Shot During The Coronavirus Pandemic

October 19, 2020
With the number of COVID-19 cases on the rise in Denver for three consecutive weeks and new orders now in place to wear masks outside and limit...

Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2020

October 07, 2020
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Denver Health wants to make sure you know your risk and take the proper steps to keep yourself healthy...

Should I Get a Flu Shot During COVID-19?

October 05, 2020
Every year Denver Health recommends that our patients get a vaccine to protect against the flu (influenza) during the fall and winter seasons. But...

How to Prevent Diabetes

September 23, 2020
September 15-October 15 is Hispanic Heritage Month and Denver Health is committed to helping all of our patients be a part of the most healthy...

Why It's Important to Get Your Child Vaccinated During COVID-19

July 20, 2020
This is normally the time of year when Denver Health doctors, nurses and other providers remind parents to get their children up to date on their...

Identifying Signs of Heat Stroke & Other Heat Illness During COVID-19

July 17, 2020
This has been a hot summer so far in Denver, and in addition to taking precautions for heat when we work or play outside this year, we are all...

How to Enjoy the Fourth of July Responsibly During COVID-19

July 02, 2020
We know that celebrating the Fourth of July during the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is going to look a lot different than it normally...

How Health Care Became a Right in Denver in the 1960s

June 08, 2020
The Story of the Health Warriors Who Made Denver Health What It Is Today This is the latest in a series of articles reflecting on and celebrating...
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