Blog & Commentary

May is National Water Safety Month

May 02, 2022
May is National Water Safety Month and the Denver Health Trauma and Injury Prevention Program would like to promote fun and safety in, on, and...

A Note to New and Expecting Parents: Five Tips for Car Seat Safety

September 21, 2020
Whether you're a new parent or expecting a baby in the near future – congratulations! Welcoming a new baby is one of the most exciting,...

How to Enjoy the Fourth of July Responsibly During COVID-19

July 02, 2020
We know that celebrating the Fourth of July during the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is going to look a lot different than it normally...

Life-Changing Weight Loss Journey For Denver Health Nurse

October 30, 2019
From time to time, we come across interesting and inspiring stories about our more than 7,000 Denver Health team members. Nurse manager Tina Van...

How Presidents Died & How We Would Treat Them Now

February 15, 2019
Throughout the history of the United States of America, there have been 43 presidents who have governed our nation (45 presidential terms because...

Inpatient vs Outpatient

June 05, 2018
By: Chi Zheng, M.D., Patrick Ryan, M.D. and Marisa Echaniz, M.D. How Providers Are Working Together to Bridge the Divide As hospitalists, we build...

Taking Care of Our Caregivers

May 17, 2018
The Role for Structured Debriefing After Adverse Patient Outcomes Clinical work can take an emotional toll on health care providers. Especially,...
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