Denver Health

The Teen Vaping Crisis

December 10, 2019
About two and a half years ago in a small rural town near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, an 18-year-old girl had just started using her first electronic...

Should I Get a Flu Shot During COVID-19?

October 05, 2020
Every year Denver Health recommends that our patients get a vaccine to protect against the flu (influenza) during the fall and winter seasons. But...

When to go to Urgent Care vs. the Emergency Room (ER)

July 17, 2019
When you or a loved one is suddenly injured or feeling very sick, there's a critical decision to make – do you need to go to urgent care or...

Denver Health Supports Bill to Increase Vaccination Rates

May 01, 2019
A Denver Health Physician's Perspective More than 700 cases of measles have been recorded across the country since January. But only 89 percent of...

Study: Bariatric Surgery Can Prevent Heart Disease, Early Death

October 02, 2019
Weight-loss surgery, medically known as bariatric surgery, has been proven as an effective way to help patients find a new lease on life. It is...

How Health Care Became a Right in Denver in the 1960s

June 08, 2020
The Story of the Health Warriors Who Made Denver Health What It Is Today This is the latest in a series of articles reflecting on and celebrating...

Why COVID-19 Vaccines Are Safe and Effective

December 17, 2020
(Updated) Vaccinations are available to everyone age 5 and over. Denver Health will continue to vaccinate patients according to the latest state...

Microvascular Hand Surgery Saving Limbs and Restoring Function

October 28, 2020
Denver Health Orthopedics Cutting-Edge Surgery Salvaging Severely Injured Hands If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of having a...

Beyond the Marie Kondo Method: The Psychology behind Tidying-up

March 12, 2019
Debuting in January 2019, the popular Netflix show “Tidying up with Marie Kondo” promised to help families decrease chaos and...

Coronavirus vs. Flu and Why You Should Get a Flu Shot During The Coronavirus Pandemic

October 19, 2020
With the number of COVID-19 cases on the rise in Denver for three consecutive weeks and new orders now in place to wear masks outside and limit...
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