Coronavirus (COVID-19) Blog

How COVID19 Affected the Future of Mental Health Treatment

May 13, 2021
This Mental Health Awareness Month, Denver Health Director of Integrated Behavioral Health Jennifer Grote, PhD, explains how the expansion of...

How to Celebrate Thanksgiving Safely During the COVID-19 Pandemic

November 20, 2020
Update 11/20/2020: Due to a spike in COVID-19 cases in Colorado and nationwide, Denver Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

Why It's Important to Get Your Child Vaccinated During COVID-19

July 20, 2020
This is normally the time of year when Denver Health doctors, nurses and other providers remind parents to get their children up to date on their...

1918 Pandemic Flu versus Novel Coronavirus: Similarities and Differences

April 09, 2020
It's been more than 100 years since the world has seen a pandemic on the scale of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). 102 years ago, the world was...

Cold Weather Coronavirus Myths

March 19, 2020
Think the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) can't survive cold weather? Think again! With the snow and cold weather we're seeing for the next couple...

How to Identify People Infected with Coronavirus

March 30, 2020
Denver Health has and will continue to see patients infected with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Our staff is vigilant about identifying those...

Real Stories of the Frontline Workers of Denver Health

November 12, 2020
Why These Heroes Still Love Their Jobs Through the COVID-19 Pandemic Ask any of our amazing frontline workers at Denver Health – from the...

The Meaning of Overdose Awareness Day 2021

August 25, 2021
by: Josh Blum
The past year was a year of profound loss. Taken from so many of us were lives and livelihoods, loves and loved ones. Even facts and universal...

Skin to Skin Contact Benefits Babies in the Age of COVID-19

May 26, 2021
Denver Health Kangaroo-a-Thon Still Going Strong For the second straight year during the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Denver Health's...

Coronavirus Vaccine Update from Denver Health's Chief Medical Officer

November 09, 2020
Update: Based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration, Denver Health will resume...
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