Antibiotic Awareness Week 2022

November 17, 2022
Antibiotic Awareness Week (AAW) is an annual event to raise awareness about the importance of appropriate antibiotic use. The COVID-19 pandemic has...

September is Falls Prevention Awareness Month

September 01, 2022
While older adults and young children are at the highest risk for being injured from falls, everyone is at risk, according to the Brain Injury...

The Meaning of Overdose Awareness Day 2022

August 31, 2022
Jason felt like his life was over before it had begun. Twenty-two years old, unable to keep a job, and spending his time and money maintaining a...

Monkeypox in Colorado: Spread, Symptoms and Prevention

August 23, 2022
Monkeypox cases are exponentially increasing nationwide. So much so that the disease’s rapid spread was recently declared by the Biden...

Nurse Anesthetist Students Join Medical Mission in Nigeria

August 19, 2022
In June of 2022, thanks to $4000 raised by Denver Health’s Anesthesia Department, two Denver Health nurse anesthetists and doctoral students,...

September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

August 18, 2022
We can all help prevent suicide. September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, a time where communities can come together and share...

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Altitude Sickness

July 18, 2022
If you live in Denver, you’re likely familiar with the term “altitude sickness.” Both residents and visitors to alpine...

July Is National Heatstroke Prevention Month

June 28, 2022
According to NoHeatStroke.org, 913 children have died due to vehicular heatstroke since 1998. Yet, all these deaths could have been prevented. The...

What You Need to Know About HPV and the HPV Vaccine

June 23, 2022
The human papillomavirus (commonly known as HPV) is one of the most common viruses circulating right now, because it is transmitted through...

June is National Home Safety Awareness Month

June 08, 2022
National Home Safety Awareness Month, part of National Safety Month, is celebrated in June when people focus on how they can keep their homes safe...

Overcoming LGBTQ+ Health Disparities at Denver Health

June 07, 2022
Denver Health is proud to be an ally and serve the health care needs of LGBTQ+ communities. We stand with many Coloradoans that have worked...

What Does Pride Mean?

June 01, 2022
June is LGBTQ+ Pride Month, a time to recognize and celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and non-binary individuals, as well as any...

National Adolescent Health Month

May 17, 2022
May is National Adolescent Health Month and Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental health is a large part of adolescent health, so let's talk about...

When Marijuana Use Requires a Trip to Urgent Care

May 13, 2022
Excessive Marijuana Use and When to Seek Care Colorado legalized marijuana for medical use and recreational use in the early 2000’s. Since...

May is Stroke Awareness Month

May 13, 2022
Stroke is a leading cause of disability and is the number five cause of death in the United States. It is dangerous and deadly; however, you can...

National Bike Safety Month

May 09, 2022
Cycling is one of Colorado’s most popular pastimes and a popular form of transportation, especially in the Denver metro area. May is National...

May is National Water Safety Month

May 02, 2022
May is National Water Safety Month and the Denver Health Trauma and Injury Prevention Program would like to promote fun and safety in, on, and...

What Is Burnout and How to Get Help

March 22, 2022
If you are reading this, you have most likely experienced burnout at some stage or another. Maybe you are currently feeling burnt out or experience...

What is a Colorectal Cancer Screening?

February 24, 2022
Colon and Rectal Cancer Screening Saves Lives March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Colorectal cancer (which can also be known as colon...

What Should You Do After Suffering a Head Injury?

February 23, 2022
Celebrity Deaths of Bob Saget and Natasha Richardson Highlight Need for Awareness.

American Heart Month: Tips to Keep Your Heart Healthy

February 02, 2022
February is American Heart Month, a time when Denver Health joins with health professionals around the country to encourage everyone to take time...

COVID-19 Variants: Omicron (What You Need to Know)

January 13, 2022
The highly transmissible COVID-19 Omicron variant is rapidly increasing the proportion of positive COVID-19 cases. Denver Health is committed to...

Living Well with Diabetes: 100 Years Later

January 06, 2022
January of 2022 marks the 100th anniversary of Leonard Thompson, a 14-year-old, seriously ill patient with diabetes, receiving the first successful...
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