Medical Records

The Health Information Department is responsible for timely accessibility, integrity, privacy, and security of electronic health information. Medical record processing time will vary depending on information requested and the file size.

*We serve all Denver Health patients for all hospital locations*


Notice of Privacy Practices

We will utilize your health information for treatment, payment and healthcare operations. Denver Health will provide you with a copy of our Notice of Privacy Practices that informs you about the ways Denver Health utilizes information from your personal health records. The Notice also explains your rights and the ways we protect your records.


Opt Out Information

DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION: I allow Denver Health and my providers to give information from my records for treatment, Payment and healthcare operations purposes (including healthcare exchanges) as written in Denver Health’s notice of Privacy Practices and for my care when I leave Denver Health and as required by law. I allow Denver Health and my providers to give my records to any provider involved in my care and to any party that may be responsible for payment of my Denver Health bill, including insurance companies, financial aid programs (“aid programs”), employers in workers’ compensation matters (where I might have been hurt at work), and the person that caused my injuries and their lawyers and insurers. I understand this information may be shared electronically.

I acknowledge that I can change my participation status, by requesting to “OPT OUT”, at any time by writing to: Denver Health and Hospital Authority, ATTN: Health Information Management Department MC0296, 301 W. 6th Avenue, Denver, CO. 80204 or email

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